How to Split Large Files in Ubuntu for Easier Transfers

Have you ever tried transferring a massive file, only to get stuck halfway because the system couldn’t handle it? Yeah, I’ve been there too. Large files can be a pain, especially when you’re trying to send them over a slow network or upload them to some cloud service with size limits. But don’t worry, I’ve got a little trick that’s been a lifesaver for me on Ubuntu. Let me show you how to split large files into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

Why Split Large Files?

Before we get to the fun part, let’s talk about why you’d want to split files in the first place. Maybe you’re dealing with some giant video files, or maybe that software you downloaded is so big it’s causing issues when you transfer it. Whatever the reason, breaking it down into smaller chunks makes things so much smoother.

Think of it like this: If you’ve ever tried carrying a stack of heavy boxes all at once, you know it’s not easy. But if you break them up and carry them one at a time, it’s way more manageable. That’s basically what we’re going to do here. So, let’s make those files easier to move.

Step 1: Open the Terminal (Your Command-Line Buddy)

Alright, first things first; open up the Terminal. I know, the command line can seem a bit scary if you’re new to it, but trust me, we’re going to keep things super simple. You can open the Terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or just searching for it in your applications.

Once you’ve got the Terminal up, we’re ready to go.

Step 2: Find the File You Want to Split

Next, navigate to the folder where your large file is. You can use the cd (change directory) command to get there. For example, if your file is in the Downloads folder, just type:

cd ~/Downloads

Once you’re in the right place, check if your file is there by typing:


This will list all the files in the folder. If you see your big file, you’re in the right spot. Yay..

Step 3: Use the Split Command (The Fun Part)

Now for the magic command split. This tool has saved my life so many times when dealing with huge files. Here’s how to use it:

split -b 100M yourfile.iso part_

Let’s break this down real quick:

  • -b 100M tells Ubuntu to split the file into 100MB chunks. You can change this to whatever size you need. If you want 50MB chunks, just change it to 50M.
  • yourfile.iso is the name of your file. Replace this with the name of the file you want to split.
  • part_ is the prefix for the output files. You can call it whatever you want file_part_ or just chunk_ if that makes more sense to you.

After you run the command, Ubuntu will quietly chop up that giant file into smaller pieces. If you type ls again, you’ll see a bunch of new files with names like part_aa, part_ab, and so on.

Pretty cool, huh?

Step 4: Combine the Files Back Together

So, you’ve transferred the files, and now you’re wondering, “How do I put them back together?” Easy. You can use the cat command to stitch them up again like nothing ever happened.

Here’s how you do it:

cat part_* > newfile.iso

This command takes all those parts and merges them back into a single file named newfile.iso (or whatever you want to call it). And just like that, your big file is whole again.

Real-life Example: Transferring a Large Video File

Let me share a quick story. I once had this massive 2GB video file I needed to send to a friend. My internet? Not great. I used the split command to break it into 100MB chunks and uploaded the pieces one by one. Once my friend got them, they used cat to put the file back together. Problem solved.

Trust me, this trick is a lifesaver.

Step 5: Clean Up (Optional but Recommended)

After you’re done with your file-splitting adventure, you might want to delete the smaller parts to keep things tidy. You can remove the pieces by running:

rm part_*

This deletes all the chunks, leaving you with just the original file or the reassembled one. Boom, clean and organized.


Q1: Can I split any type of file?

Absolutely, Whether it’s a video, a software package, or even a giant text file, the split command works like a charm. Just make sure you know the file’s name and you’re good to go.

Q2: What happens if I skip the -b part?

Good question, If you don’t specify a chunk size using -b, the split command will create 1,000-line pieces by default, which probably isn’t what you want for large files. So yeah, definitely include -b for better control.

Q3: Do I need special software to reassemble the files?

Nope, not at all. The cat command we used to combine the files is built into Ubuntu. It’s super easy and works like magic.

Conclusion: You’ve Got This

And that’s it, You’ve just learned how to split large files in Ubuntu like a pro. Whether you’re sending files to a friend, uploading them somewhere, or just want to make storage more manageable, this little trick will save you time and headaches.

Now, it’s your turn Go ahead and try it out next time you’re dealing with a bulky file. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you won’t believe how easy it is.

Key Takeaways

  • File splitting is your friend: Breaking big files into smaller parts makes transferring and storing them a breeze.
  • Use simple commands: split and cat are your go-to tools for this task.
  • Keep it tidy: Clean up the leftover chunks when you’re done.

You’ve got this. Go ahead and give it a try, Ubuntu’s got your back.

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