How to Navigate Directories in Ubuntu Like a Pro

Navigating through directories in Ubuntu might seem tricky at first, especially if you’re used to using the GUI. But once you get the hang of terminal commands, you’ll see how much faster and more efficient it is. Whether you’re a beginner or trying to up your skills, this guide will help you move through directories like a pro. Let’s dive into some essential tips, commands, and examples that you can use to master Ubuntu’s file structure.

Understanding the Ubuntu Directory Structure

Before we get into the commands, it’s important to understand how Ubuntu organizes files. Ubuntu, like all Linux distributions, uses a hierarchical structure, often referred to as the file system tree.

  • Root directory (/): This is the top-level directory. Every other folder or file is a child of this directory.
  • Home directory (/home/username): This is where all your personal files live. Think of it as “My Documents” in Windows.
  • System directories: Folders like /etc/, /var/, and /usr/ are where system files and programs are stored.

By knowing this structure, you’ll understand where things are and how to move between them.

Basic Directory Navigation Commands

The command-line interface (CLI) can seem intimidating, but it’s quite simple once you get the basics down. Here are the key commands you need.

1. The pwd Command

Want to know where you are in the file system? Just type:


This command prints the current working directory, showing the full path to the folder you’re in. It’s helpful when you get lost and want to check where you’re at.

2. The cd Command

This is your go-to command for moving between directories.

  • To change into a folder, use:
cd <directory>

For example, to go into your Documents folder, type:

cd Documents/
  • To go back one level (move to the parent directory), use:
cd ..

This takes you up one directory. So, if you’re in /home/username/Documents/, typing cd .. will take you to /home/username/.

Advanced cd Usage for Pro-Level Efficiency

Once you’re comfortable with basic cd commands, you can start to use them more efficiently.

Using cd ~ to Jump to Home Directory

The ~ (tilde) symbol is a shortcut for your home directory. No matter where you are, you can quickly return to your home folder by typing:

cd ~

This is especially useful if you’re deep into the system files and want to quickly return to familiar territory.

Absolute vs. Relative Paths

  • Absolute paths start from the root (/). For example, if you want to go to the /usr/local/ folder, you can type:
cd /usr/local/

This will take you directly to that folder.

  • Relative paths start from your current directory. So if you’re already in /home/username/, and you want to move to the Downloads folder, you can simply type:
cd Downloads/

No need to specify the full path.

Jumping Multiple Levels in One Command

You don’t have to navigate one folder at a time. If you know where you need to go, you can jump multiple levels in one go. For example:

cd ~/Documents/Projects/2024

This command takes you from your home directory straight into the 2024 folder inside Projects.

Efficient Directory Switching with pushd and popd

If you’re frequently moving between two or more directories, the pushd and popd commands can be a lifesaver.

Using pushd to Temporarily Switch Directories

The pushd command saves your current directory and switches to a new one.

pushd ~/Downloads

Now you’re in the Downloads folder, but Ubuntu has remembered where you were before.

Returning to the Saved Directory with popd

When you’re done working in the Downloads folder and want to go back to where you were, just type:


You’ll return to your previous directory, thanks to pushd. This is helpful when you’re moving between folders for quick tasks.

Listing and Understanding Directory Contents with ls

Once you’re in a directory, you might want to see what’s inside. That’s where the ls command comes in.

Basic ls Usage

To see the files and folders in your current directory, simply type:


This will list the names of everything in the folder.

Using ls Options for More Details

  • ls -l: Shows a detailed list of files, including their permissions, owner, size, and modification date.
ls -l
  • ls -a: Displays all files, including hidden ones (those that start with a dot, like .bashrc).

Example of ls -l Output

-rw-r--r--  1 user user 4096 Sep 30 12:34 file.txt
drwxr-xr-x  2 user user 4096 Sep 30 12:34 FolderName

Navigating Hidden Files and Folders

Sometimes, you’ll need to access hidden files, which usually contain configuration settings.

Why Hidden Files Matter

Hidden files (like .bashrc or .gitconfig) are often used for system or application settings. To see them, use the ls -a command.


If you’re in your home directory and want to see all hidden files, type:

ls -a

Now you’ll see files like .bashrc that were hidden before.

Shortcuts to Speed Up Directory Navigation

Navigating through directories can be made even faster with a few simple tricks.

Auto-Completion with the Tab Key

Instead of typing out entire folder names, use the tab key for auto-completion. For example, if you want to navigate to the Documents folder, just type:

cd Doc

and then press Tab. The terminal will automatically fill in the rest.

Switch Between Last Two Directories with cd -

The cd - command allows you to quickly switch back and forth between the last two directories you were in. For example:

cd ~/Documents
cd ~/Downloads
cd -

The last command will take you back to the Documents folder.

Creating and Removing Directories

You’ll often need to create or delete directories as you work.

Creating a New Directory with mkdir

To create a folder, use the mkdir command. For example, if you want to create a folder named MyFolder in your current directory:

mkdir MyFolder

Removing a Directory with rmdir

If you want to delete an empty folder, use rmdir. For example, to remove the folder we just created:

rmdir MyFolder

If the folder isn’t empty, you’ll need to use:

rm -r MyFolder

Be careful with this command, as it will remove the folder and everything inside it.

Table: Common Ubuntu Directory Navigation Commands

pwdShows current directorypwd
cdChanges the current directorycd Documents/
lsLists files in a directoryls -l
mkdirCreates a new foldermkdir NewFolder
rmdirRemoves an empty folderrmdir OldFolder

Frequently Asked Questions (FQ&A)

How do I return to the home directory from anywhere in Ubuntu?

Use the cd ~ command to quickly get back to your home directory.

What’s the difference between absolute and relative paths?

Absolute paths start from the root directory (/), while relative paths are based on your current directory.

How can I move between two directories quickly?

Use cd - to switch between the last two directories you were in.

How do I see hidden files in a folder?

Use the ls -a command to view hidden files that start with a dot (.).

What’s the safest way to delete a folder with files in it?

Use rm -r, but double-check the folder’s contents first to avoid accidental deletion.


Mastering directory navigation in Ubuntu is a key skill that will save you a lot of time. By using commands like cd, ls, and pushd/popd, you’ll move around your system more efficiently. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel. So, open up your terminal and start exploring your directories like a pro!

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