How to Move Files Between Directories in Ubuntu: A Complete Guide

One of the most basic yet essential skills for anyone using Ubuntu is knowing how to move files between directories. Whether you’re organizing personal files, shifting system files, or managing folders for a project, learning to move files effectively saves time and keeps your system tidy. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps, commands, and practical tips to make moving files between directories a breeze, even if you’re new to Ubuntu.

Why Moving Files Matters

Before we dive into the how, let’s talk about the why. Keeping files organized is key to maintaining a clutter-free environment on your system. Knowing how to move files from one place to another helps you better manage storage, improve access to frequently used documents, and prevent confusion caused by scattered files.

Common Situations Where Moving Files Is Necessary:

  • Organizing documents, images, or downloads into specific folders.
  • Transferring files from one partition or drive to another.
  • Moving large files to external drives to free up space.
  • Rearranging project directories for a cleaner workspace.

Now that we know why it’s important, let’s look at how to move files between directories using Ubuntu’s terminal.

Basic Command for Moving Files: mv

In Ubuntu, the mv command is your go-to tool for moving files and directories. It’s simple, efficient, and does the job without hassle. Here’s the basic syntax:

mv [source] [destination]

Let’s break that down:

  • source is the path to the file or directory you want to move.
  • destination is the path to where you want to move it.

Example: Moving a File

Suppose you have a file called document.txt in your Downloads folder and you want to move it to your Documents folder. Here’s the command:

mv ~/Downloads/document.txt ~/Documents/

That’s it! You’ve successfully moved the file from one directory to another.

Moving Multiple Files at Once

You can also move several files at once. Let’s say you have three files in your Downloads folder: file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt. Instead of moving them one by one, you can move them all together like this:

mv ~/Downloads/file1.txt ~/Downloads/file2.txt ~/Downloads/file3.txt ~/Documents/

This command will move all three files to the Documents folder in one go.

Practical Tip: Use Wildcards

You can simplify the process even further using wildcards. If you want to move all .txt files from Downloads to Documents, you can do:

mv ~/Downloads/*.txt ~/Documents/

The * wildcard represents any file that ends with .txt, making the process faster and easier.

Moving Directories

Moving entire directories works the same way. If you want to move a directory, you simply point the mv command to the directory path. For example, to move the entire project directory from your Downloads folder to your Documents folder, you’d use:

mv ~/Downloads/project ~/Documents/

Table: Key Differences Between Moving Files and Directories

File Moving (mv)Directory Moving (mv)
Moves individual files.Moves entire directories (folders).
Requires the file name as the source.Requires the directory name as the source.
Example: mv file.txt /path/to/destination/Example: mv folder /path/to/destination/

Renaming Files and Directories with mv

Interestingly, the mv command also doubles as a way to rename files and directories. So, if you want to move a file and change its name at the same time, you can do both in one command.

Example: Renaming While Moving

Let’s say you’re moving report.txt from Downloads to Documents, but you want to rename it to final_report.txt. The command would look like this:

mv ~/Downloads/report.txt ~/Documents/final_report.txt

This moves the file and renames it in one step—super efficient, right?

Handling Permissions

Sometimes when moving files, especially system files, you might encounter permission issues. If you see an error like “permission denied,” it usually means you don’t have the required access to move the file. In such cases, using sudo will elevate your permissions and allow the command to run.

Example: Moving a File with Elevated Permissions

sudo mv /path/to/file /new/location/

Using sudo should be done with caution, as it gives you administrative rights, and moving or renaming system-critical files can cause problems.

Common mv Options

While the basic mv command works well in most cases, there are a few options you can use to modify its behavior:

  • -i (interactive): Prompts before overwriting a file at the destination. Example:
  mv -i ~/Downloads/file.txt ~/Documents/

This will ask if you’re sure before replacing an existing file.

  • -n (no-clobber): Prevents overwriting files. Example:
  mv -n ~/Downloads/file.txt ~/Documents/

This will stop the move if a file with the same name exists at the destination.

  • -v (verbose): Shows what’s happening as the command runs, useful for large transfers. Example:
  mv -v ~/Downloads/* ~/Documents/

Moving Files Across Drives or Partitions

If you’re working with multiple drives or partitions, moving files between them is as easy as moving files within the same directory. The only difference is the destination path will likely start with /media/ or /mnt/.

Example: Moving Files to an External Drive

Let’s say you’ve mounted a USB drive at /media/deepak/USB. You can move files to this external drive with:

mv ~/Downloads/*.jpg /media/deepak/USB/

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What happens if I try to move a file to a location that already has a file with the same name?

By default, mv will overwrite the file at the destination without warning. To prevent this, use the -i option, which will ask you before replacing an existing file.

2. Can I move hidden files?

Yes, hidden files in Ubuntu start with a dot (.). To move hidden files, you can use mv just like any other file. For example, to move .hiddenfile:

mv ~/.hiddenfile ~/Documents/

3. What should I do if I accidentally move a file to the wrong location?

If you realize you’ve moved a file to the wrong place, you can move it back with mv. Just specify the new location as the destination.


Knowing how to move files between directories in Ubuntu is one of the core skills you’ll use daily. With the mv command, you can keep your system organized, move files between folders, drives, or even rename them along the way. Remember to use wildcards for speed, and add options like -i or -v for extra control. Now that you’ve got the basics down, try moving some files and see how much cleaner and more organized your directories can be.

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