How to Manage Users and Groups on Ubuntu Server

Managing users and groups on an Ubuntu Server is a vital part of server administration. Whether you’re running a home server or managing multiple users in an organization, knowing how to efficiently create, modify, and remove users and groups is key to ensuring security and control. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the essentials of managing users and groups in simple, everyday language.

By the end of this post, you’ll know how to:

  • Add new users and groups
  • Modify existing users and groups
  • Assign users to specific groupsF
  • Remove users and groups safely

Let’s dive right in.

Why Managing Users and Groups Is Important

On an Ubuntu Server, every user has specific permissions that control what they can or cannot do. These permissions are often grouped under different “groups.” By managing users and groups effectively, you can:

  • Limit access to sensitive files and applications.
  • Organize users into teams with shared access to resources.
  • Secure your server by minimizing unnecessary privileges.

Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Users and Groups

1. Adding a New User

The most basic task you’ll often start with is creating a new user. Here’s the command:

sudo adduser username

Replace username with the actual name you want for the new user. After running this, Ubuntu will prompt you for a password, and then some optional details like full name, room number, etc.

Tip: Keep usernames simple and memorable, especially if you have multiple users to manage.

2. Modifying a User

Sometimes, you might need to change a user’s details, such as their password or login shell. Here’s how to do it:

  • To change the password for a user:
sudo passwd username
  • To modify the user’s default shell:
sudo usermod -s /bin/bash username

This example changes the user’s shell to Bash. You can replace /bin/bash with the path of any other shell.

3. Creating a Group

Groups make managing permissions easier. You can group users together and assign them the same permissions. To create a new group, use:

sudo addgroup groupname

For example, if you want to create a group named developers, it would be:

sudo addgroup developers

4. Adding Users to a Group

Let’s say you’ve created a new group and want to add a user to it. Use this command:

sudo usermod -aG groupname username

The -aG option appends the user to the specified group. If you don’t use -a, the user will be removed from other groups they belong to, so don’t forget the -a part.

5. Viewing Users and Groups

Sometimes, you’ll want to check which users are part of a particular group or what groups a user belongs to. For that, use:

  • To see which groups a user belongs to:
groups username
  • To view all groups on your system:
getent group

6. Removing Users and Groups

If you need to delete a user, use the deluser command:

sudo deluser username

To remove a group, run:

sudo delgroup groupname

Important: When you remove a user, their files are not deleted by default. You can manually delete their home directory if needed with:

sudo deluser --remove-home username

Table 1: User Management Commands

Add a new usersudo adduser username
Modify a user’s shellsudo usermod -s /bin/bash username
Change a user’s passwordsudo passwd username
Remove a usersudo deluser username
Remove a user and their homesudo deluser --remove-home username

Table 2: Group Management Commands

Create a new groupsudo addgroup groupname
Add a user to a groupsudo usermod -aG groupname username
Remove a groupsudo delgroup groupname
View all groups on the systemgetent group

Best Practices for Managing Users and Groups

  • Limit User Permissions: Only grant users the permissions they need. Avoid adding users to the sudo group unless absolutely necessary.
  • Regularly Audit Users: Periodically check your server for inactive or unnecessary users and remove them.
  • Use Groups for Permissions: Instead of managing permissions for individual users, use groups. It makes future management much easier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FQ&A)

How do I lock a user account?

You can lock a user account using this command: sudo usermod -L username This will prevent the user from logging in.

How do I unlock a user account?

To unlock an account, simply run: sudo usermod -U username

How can I list all users on my system?

You can list all users by viewing the /etc/passwd file: cat /etc/passwd

Can I assign multiple groups to a user?

Yes, just add multiple groups using the usermod -aG command like this: sudo usermod -aG group1,group2 username

What’s the difference between adduser and useradd?

The adduser command is more user-friendly and interactive. The useradd command is lower-level and requires more manual configuration.


Managing users and groups on an Ubuntu Server is an essential skill that will help you maintain control over who has access to what on your system. By following these simple steps, you can easily create and manage users and groups, ensuring a secure and well-organized server environment.

Takeaway: Make it a habit to regularly review your users and groups. This practice will help you keep your server secure and prevent unauthorized access.

For more detailed information on managing users and groups, you can refer to the official Ubuntu documentation.

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