Best File Transfer Methods for Ubuntu: Step-by-Step Guide

Alright, so you’ve got files that need to be moved from one place to another, and you’re on Ubuntu. Maybe you’re sharing files with a friend, transferring data between computers, or just backing up your stuff. Whatever the case, I’m going to show you the best ways to transfer files in Ubuntu without breaking a sweat.

I’ve tried all these methods myself, and trust me, some are faster and easier than you’d think. Let’s walk through them, and you’ll find the one that works best for you.

Why File Transfer Matters

Before we get into the “how,” let’s quickly talk about why file transfer is important. Whether you’re moving large projects, sharing work with a team, or even just sending a few photos to a friend, getting the files there intact and fast is key.

Think of it like delivering a package—you wouldn’t just throw it over the fence and hope it lands safely, right? You want to make sure it’s done right, so the recipient gets everything without a hitch. That’s what we’re aiming for here.

1. Using the Good Ol’ USB Drive

Let’s start with something super simple- USB drives. I know, it feels old-school, but trust me, they still get the job done. If you’ve got a physical drive on hand and don’t mind a little plug-and-play action, this is one of the easiest ways to transfer files.

How to Do It:

  1. Plug in your USB drive.
  2. Open the file manager (that’s the “Files” app in Ubuntu).
  3. Find the files you want to transfer, then drag and drop them onto the USB drive.
  4. Safely eject the drive when you’re done.


  • Super easy to use.
  • Works even when you don’t have an internet connection.


  • Limited by the size of your USB drive.
  • Physical hassle, especially if you’re transferring between computers that aren’t nearby.

Now, I use this method a lot when I’m working offline or transferring something between my desktop and laptop. It’s quick, reliable, and doesn’t require any setup. But if you’re looking for something more tech-savvy, let’s move on.

2. Transfer Files Over SSH (Like a Pro)

Alright, time to step things up a bit. If you’re transferring files between two Linux systems, SSH (Secure Shell) is a fantastic way to do it. Think of it like the VIP lane for your files—super secure and fast.

You’ll need SSH set up on both machines for this to work. If you haven’t done that yet, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

How to Do It:

  1. First, make sure SSH is installed. Run this on both machines:
sudo apt install openssh-server

After running the given command you will be asked “Do you want to continue” Here you need to press “Y” to continue the installation process.

  1. To transfer a file, use this command:
scp /path/to/yourfile username@remotehost:/path/to/destination

Replace /path/to/yourfile with the file you’re sending, username with the other computer’s username, and remotehost with the other machine’s IP address.

  1. Hit Enter, and watch the magic happen!


  • Secure and fast.
  • Perfect for transferring between Linux machines.


  • Needs a bit of setup if you haven’t used SSH before.

This method saved my skin when I had to transfer files between my server and laptop. Once it’s set up, it’s like having a direct line between your computers. No more USB drives!

3. Using SFTP (Because Secure Is Better)

Now, if you like the sound of SSH but want a user-friendly interface, SFTP is your friend. It’s basically FTP (File Transfer Protocol) but with a security blanket. You can transfer files securely without needing to remember complex commands.

How to Do It:

  1. Open your file manager (Files in Ubuntu).
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Other Locations.”
  3. At the bottom, in the “Connect to Server” box, type:

Replace username with your remote username and hostname with the IP address or hostname of the remote computer.

  1. After connecting, you can drag and drop files just like you would with a USB drive. Easy peasy!


  • Secure and simple to use.
  • You get to use a familiar file manager interface.


  • Requires SSH to be set up on both machines.

This one’s my go-to when I’m feeling lazy but still need security. It’s like transferring files on autopilot.

4. Using rsync (When You Need Precision)

Ever wanted to transfer only the changed files? Or maybe you need to sync two directories across different machines. That’s where rsync comes in. It’s super smart and only transfers what’s necessary, which can save you tons of time.

How to Do It:

  1. Install rsync if you don’t already have it:
sudo apt install rsync
  1. Use this command to sync directories:
rsync -avz /local/directory/ username@remotehost:/remote/directory/

Replace /local/directory/ with the folder you want to sync, and update the username and remotehost like we did with SSH.


  • Super efficient—only transfers changes.
  • Great for backups and regular syncing.


  • Slightly more advanced.

I’ve done this myself when backing up projects between my laptop and a remote server. It’s like magic—quick, precise, and keeps things organized.

5. Cloud Storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)

Of course, we can’t forget the cloud! Services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Nextcloud are perfect if you’re transferring files to others or just want easy access from multiple devices. Ubuntu even has built-in integration for some of these services, so it’s a breeze to set up.

How to Do It:

  1. Open the “Online Accounts” settings in Ubuntu.
  2. Add your Google or Nextcloud account.
  3. Your cloud storage will show up in your file manager, and you can drag and drop files as needed.


  • Access your files from anywhere.
  • Share files with others easily.


  • Requires an internet connection.
  • Limited free storage.

I love using cloud services when I’m on the go. Need to grab a file from my home desktop while I’m out? No problem. It’s waiting for me in the cloud.


Q1: What’s the easiest method for beginners?
If you’re new to all this, I’d say stick with a USB drive or cloud storage. They’re simple, and you don’t have to mess with the command line.

Q2: Can I use these methods between Ubuntu and Windows?
Absolutely! SSH and SFTP work with Windows too, especially if you use an app like FileZilla for SFTP or PuTTY for SSH.

Q3: What’s the fastest method?
SSH and rsync tend to be the fastest, especially for large files. They’re designed to be efficient and secure, so you’ll get the best speed and protection.

Conclusion: You’ve Got Options!

And there you have it! Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned Ubuntu pro, there’s a file transfer method here for you. From the simple USB drive to the power of SSH and rsync, you’ve got plenty of options to choose from.

So next time you’re moving files around, give one of these methods a try. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is once you get the hang of it. And hey, now you know a few tricks that will make life on Ubuntu a whole lot smoother!

Key Takeaways:

  • USB Drives: Great for offline and simple transfers.
  • SSH/SFTP: Secure and fast for Linux-to-Linux transfers.
  • rsync: Efficient and smart for backups and syncing.
  • Cloud Storage: Perfect for easy sharing and remote access.

You’ve got this! Now it’s time to try it yourself.

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