File Copying Techniques on Ubuntu: cp vs rsync

File Copying Techniques on Ubuntu: cp vs rsync: When it comes to using Ubuntu, understanding how to copy files effectively is one of the essential tasks for the users. Whether you’re performing a task or managing large backups, knowing which command to use can make all the difference. In this post, I’ll guide you through two popular tools for file copying on Ubuntu: cp and rsync. We’ll see the key differences, practical use cases, and tips to help you decide which tool is best for your needs.

So, if you’ve ever wondered which tool to use for file copying on Ubuntu, let’s dive in and break it down in the simplest terms possible so that everyone who is reading this post can understand it easily.

What is cp?

The cp command is one of the most basic commands in Ubuntu for copying files and directories. It’s easy to use and perfect for everyday tasks where you just need to make a quick copy of a file or folder.

Basic Usage

The cp command allows us to copy one or more files from one location to another. Here’s a simple example for you:

cp [options] source destination

Let’s say you have a file names document.txt in your home directory, and you want to copy it to a folder called backup:

cp ~/document.txt ~/backup/

This command will copy document.txt in the backup folder. Easy, right? But there’s more you can do with cp. Let’s look at some common options.

Common Options for cp

  • -r (Recursive): If you want to copy entire directories, you will have to use the -r option. Without it, cp will copy individual files only.
cp -r ~/Documents ~/backup/
  • -v (Verbose): Sometimes you may need to work on a large directory where there will be thousands of subdirectories and files. In such a case, you can use the -v option. This option shows you exactly what’s being copied, which is helpful when working with large directories.
cp -rv ~/Documents ~/backup/
  • -i (Interactive): If you’re concerned about overwriting files, use the interactive option to prompt you before replacing files. Yes, you will get a prompt if you want to overwrite or not. Have a look at the command:
cp -ri ~/Documents ~/backup/

When to Use cp

The cp command is best for straightforward, one-time file-copying tasks. It’s simple and quick, but let me tell you that it doesn’t have advanced features like syncing or checking if files have changed. For more complex copying tasks, like syncing large directories or backing up files, you might want to look at rsync because it has some advanced features or I can say options.

What is rsync?

As I mentioned that cp is perfect for simple tasks, but rsync is a more advanced tool designed for efficiently syncing files between locations. It’s a bit more powerful than cp, and it’s especially useful when dealing with large files or directories that you need to copy multiple times. As a Linux admin, we have to face this situation a lot.

Basic Usage

The rsync command also works similarly to cp, but with a lot more flexibility. Here’s the basic syntax:

rsync [options] source destination

Just like cp, you can use rsync to copy files and directories. However, the big advantage of rsync is that it only copies the files that have changed, making it much faster for tasks like backups.

Key Benefits of rsync

  • Efficient File Syncing: rsync only copies the files that have been modified, which saves time and bandwidth. For example, if I want to back up your Documents folder, I would the following command:
rsync -av ~/Documents/ ~/backup/

The -a option stands for “archive” mode, which preserves file permissions, timestamps, and symbolic links, while -v option shows the copying process as I mentioned while explaining the cp command.

  • Network Transfers: With rsync, you can move files between different computers over a network, which makes it great for backing up files to other servers.
rsync -av ~/Documents/ user@remote-server:/backup/
  • Resume Interrupted Transfers: One of the best features of rsync is its ability to resume interrupted transfers. If your transfer is interrupted for any reason, simply rerun the command, and rsync will pick up where it left off. I can say it’s very useful for us, I has saved my lots of time.

cp vs rsync: Key Differences

Let me show you a table that highlights the main differences between cp and rsync:

Basic File CopyingGood for quick, simple copyingEfficient for large or repeated tasks
Directory CopyingRequires -r optionAutomatically handled with -a
File SyncingNo built-in sync featureCopies only changed files
Network TransfersNot supportedBuilt-in support for remote copying
Resume Interrupted CopyNot possibleCan resume transfers

As you can see, cp is great for simple copying tasks, while rsync offers more flexibility, and is ideal for syncing files, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Practical Tips for Using cp and rsync

Based on my experience using these tools on Ubuntu, here are some tips to help you get the most out of them:

  • Use cp for Quick Tasks: If you just need to quickly copy a file or folder (In Linux we call it directory), cp is a great choice. It’s fast and simple.
  • Use rsync for Backups: If you regularly back up files or need to sync directories, rsync is much more efficient because it only copies what’s changed.
  • Preserve Permissions: When using rsync, always use the -a option to ensure that file permissions and timestamps are preserved.
  • Network Transfers: For copying files to or from a remote server, rsync is the better option since it handles network transfers more efficiently than cp.

Real-Life Example: Syncing Directories with rsync

Let’s say you want to back up your Documents folder to an external drive, and you only want to copy the files that have changed. You can use this command:

rsync -av --delete ~/Documents/ /media/external-drive/backup/

Here, the external-drive is the name of the storage device that I have connected externally.

The --delete option ensures that any files deleted in the Documents folder are also removed from the backup, keeping the two locations perfectly in sync.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When should I use cp instead of rsync?

Use cp when you’re copying files quickly and don’t need advanced features like syncing or remote transfers. It’s best for simple, one-time tasks.

2. Can I use rsync for remote file transfers?

Yes, rsync is ideal for copying files over a network, and it works well with SSH to securely transfer files between systems.

3. How do I resume an interrupted rsync transfer?

If a file transfer is interrupted, simply rerun the rsync command. It will automatically resume from where it left off, copying only the remaining files.


Both cp and rsync are essential tools in Ubuntu, each suited to different tasks. If you’re doing quick, one-off file copies, cp is your go-to command. For more complex tasks, especially backups or syncing files, rsync is the better choice.

By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each tool, you can choose the right one for the job. Try them both out, and see which one fits your needs best!

Now that you’ve learned about cp and rsync, go ahead and start using them on your Ubuntu system. Whether you’re backing up important files or just moving documents around, these commands will help you get the job done efficiently. Happy copying.

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