Remote File Transfer Techniques on Ubuntu: A Friendly Guide

Remote File Transfer Techniques on Ubuntu: so you want to transfer files remotely on Ubuntu. I’ve been there! You’ve got files on one machine, but you need them on another; whether it’s across the room or across the globe. I know it can feel a bit techy, but trust me, once you know the tricks, it’s a breeze.

Let me walk you through a few methods I’ve personally used, and by the end of this, you’ll be transferring files like a pro. You won’t believe how easy this is!

1. Using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)

Let’s kick off with one of the easiest ways to transfer files securely between two machines: SCP. Now, don’t let the fancy name scare you; this one’s a lifesaver, especially if you’re transferring files over a network.


  1. Open the terminal: You’ll be spending some time here. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it looks. On Ubuntu, just press Ctrl + Alt + T, and you’re in!
  2. Type the SCP command: The basic command looks like this:
   scp /path/to/local/file username@remote_host:/path/to/destination
  1. Fill in the details: Let’s break that down a bit:
  • /path/to/local/file: This is where the file is stored on your local machine.
  • username@remote_host: Replace this with your remote username and IP address. It’s like mailing a letter, you need the right address!
  • /path/to/destination: Where you want the file to land on the remote machine.


Let’s say you’ve got a file called myphoto.jpg on your desktop, and you want to send it to your friend’s computer at IP You’d type:

scp ~/Desktop/myphoto.jpg [email protected]:/home/john/Desktop

Boom. That’s it. SCP does all the heavy lifting, securely transferring the file over SSH. Trust me, I’ve used this to share stuff with friends across different countries, and it’s super reliable!

2. Using rsync (Fast & Efficient Transfer)

Okay, SCP is great, but if you’re dealing with large files or folders, you’ll want to go with something a bit faster. Enter rsync; the speed demon of file transfers.

Why rsync?

It’s smarter than SCP because it only transfers the changes. So, if you’ve got a huge directory and only one file has changed, it’ll just update that. Efficient, right?


  1. Install rsync: Sometimes it’s not installed by default, so just run this:
   sudo apt install rsync
  1. Run the rsync command:
rsync -avz /path/to/local/dir username@remote_host:/path/to/remote/dir

Let’s break it down:

  • -a: Archive mode, keeps your file permissions intact.
  • -v: Verbose, so you can see what’s going on.
  • -z: Compresses data for faster transfer. Trust me, you’ll appreciate this with big files!


If you’ve got a folder called projects on your desktop, and you want to back it up on another machine:

rsync -avz ~/Desktop/projects [email protected]:/home/john/backup/

Now, you’ve got a mirror copy of your projects folder, and it’ll only update what’s changed next time. I’ve done this myself a hundred times, and here’s a tip: use rsync for backups; it’s a lifesaver.

3. Using SSHFS (Mount Remote Folders)

Here’s a cool one that blew my mind the first time I tried it: SSHFS. With SSHFS, you can actually mount a remote folder on your local machine. It’s like magic; you can access files as if they’re on your computer, but they’re not!


  1. Install SSHFS: First, you need to get it installed. Easy peasy:
sudo apt install sshfs
  1. Mount the remote folder:
sshfs username@remote_host:/path/to/remote/dir /path/to/local/mountpoint

Here’s the breakdown:

  • /path/to/remote/dir: This is the folder you want to access on the remote machine.
  • /path/to/local/mountpoint: This is where the folder will appear on your local machine.


Let’s say your friend has a folder full of shared photos on their machine, and you want to browse through it on yours:

sshfs [email protected]:/home/john/photos /mnt/photos

Now, you can access /mnt/photos on your local machine, and it’ll feel like the files are right there. I use this when I’m working on a project with someone else, and we need to collaborate on the same files.

4. Using Filezilla (The GUI Option)

Okay, not everyone loves the terminal, and I get that. If you prefer something with buttons and a mouse, let me introduce you to Filezilla. It’s a super easy-to-use GUI for transferring files between your machine and a remote server.


  1. Install Filezilla:
sudo apt install filezilla
  1. Open Filezilla: You’ll see a simple interface with a few fields at the top.
  2. Connect to your remote server:
  • Host: Type in sftp:// followed by the IP address or hostname (e.g., sftp://
  • Username: Enter the remote username.
  • Password: You’ll need the password for the remote machine.
  1. Transfer your files: You’ll see your local files on the left and the remote files on the right. Just drag and drop, easy!

I use Filezilla when I need a break from the terminal, and honestly, it’s foolproof. Just drag, drop, and you’re done.


1. What happens if I skip a step?

Well, if you skip a step—especially setting up the SSH connection or providing the right file paths—your transfer won’t work. Always double-check the details!

2. Can I use these methods on other Linux distros?

Absolutely! These commands work on pretty much any Linux distro, not just Ubuntu. You can even use them on macOS for the most part.

3. Which method should I use for large files?

If you’re transferring big files or folders, go with rsync. It’s way faster and more efficient than SCP, especially for ongoing transfers or backups.


So, there you have it; four solid ways to transfer files remotely on Ubuntu. Whether you’re a terminal pro or more of a GUI fan, there’s something here for everyone. Now it’s time to try it yourself! You’ve got this. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be transferring files in your sleep.

Give it a go, and soon you’ll wonder how you ever managed without these tricks.

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