How to Install and Use Git on Ubuntu

If you work on the coding project there is a chance you have to face the frustration of managing multiple versions of your files. What if you could track every change, collaborate with others seamlessly, and always have a backup plan in case something goes wrong? That’s exactly what Git offers.

Whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer, Git can simplify how you manage your projects.

In this guide, I’ll explain the process of installing Git on Ubuntu and show you how to use it to manage your projects efficiently.

Now are you ready to learn?

Why Use Git on Ubuntu?

You may already know that Git is one of the most widely used version control systems, and for good reason. It allows us to track changes in your code, collaborate with others without overwriting each other’s work, and Roll back to previous versions if something breaks.

Using Git on Ubuntu is a perfect match since Ubuntu is developer-friendly and Git is highly compatible with it. And I think that’s the reason you wanna install Git on your Ubuntu machine.

Step 1: Updating Your System

As I have mentioned in almost all of my articles before you install any software on Ubuntu, it’s always good to update your system first because this ensures that you’re working with the latest packages and dependencies.

Open your terminal and run the following command to update your system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

This command will update your list of available packages and upgrade your installed ones to their latest versions.

Why This Matters:

Updating your system ensures you don’t get compatibility issues while installing Git or any other software on your Ubuntu Machine. It’s a good habit to follow whenever you’re about to install new packages.

Step 2: Installing Git

Now that your system is up to date, and it’s ready to install Git. You can do this easily by typing the following command:

sudo apt install git

When you run this command to install Git you’ll be asked to confirm the installation. Type y (for yes), and the system will download and install Git along with any necessary dependencies.

Step 3: Verifying Git Installation

When your installation is complete then make sure Git is installed properly. To do that, you can check the version number by running this command:

git --version

You should see output similar to this:

git version 2.34.1

If you get this message in return which shows the Git version then It means Git is installed successfully.

Step 4: Setting Up Git

After installation, the next step is, you need to configure Git with your name and email. This is important because Git attaches this information to every commit (change) you make, so others can see who made what changes.

Setting Your Name and Email

Run the following commands to configure Git:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Replace Your Name and [email protected] with your actual name and email address. This information will be linked to your Git commits.

Basic Git Commands You’ll Use

With Git installed and set up, you’re ready to start using it. Here are a few basic commands to help you get started.

1. Initialize a Repository

To start tracking a project with Git, you need to initialize a repository. Navigate to your project directory and run:

git init

This creates a .git folder inside your project, where Git will store all the changes and history of your project.

2. Add Files to Staging Area

After making changes to your files, you need to add them to the staging area, which is basically a place where changes are prepared to be committed. You can do this with the following command:

git add filename

To add all files, use:

git add .

3. Commit Your Changes

Once your files are in the staging area, it’s time to commit them. A commit is like taking a snapshot of your project at a certain point in time. Use:

git commit -m "Your message here"

The -m flag lets you add a message describing what the commit does. Be descriptive so you know what changes were made.

4. Checking Status

To see what changes have been made since the last commit, or if there are files that haven’t been added to the staging area, use:

git status

This will give you a list of files that are staged for commit and those that haven’t been tracked yet.

Key Git Commands for Beginners

git initInitializes a new Git repository
git add .Adds all changes to the staging area
git commit -m "msg"Commits the changes with a message
git statusShows the current status of the repository
git logDisplays the history of commits

Cloning a Repository

Cloning is when you copy a project from a remote repository (like GitHub) to your local machine. This is useful when you want to contribute to an existing project or work on something that someone else started.

To clone a repository, use this command:

git clone

Replace the URL with the actual repository you want to clone. This command downloads all the project files to your local computer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of Git?

Git is used to track changes in your project. It allows you to save versions of your work, collaborate with others, and revert back to previous versions if needed.

2. Do I need Git if I’m working alone?

Absolutely! Even if you’re not collaborating with others, Git is a powerful tool for keeping track of your own changes and backing up your work.

3. Can I undo a commit?

Yes, you can undo a commit with: git reset --soft HEAD~1

4. How do I remove a file from Git?

To remove a file from the repository but not from your working directory, use: git rm --cached filename


Git is an essential tool for any developer working on projects, big or small. Installing and using Git on Ubuntu is straightforward, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed your projects without it.

The key takeaway is to start using Git with basic commands like git add and git commit. With a little practice, you’ll be comfortable enough to explore advanced features like branching and merging. Just remember, Git keeps everything organized, and that’s something every project can benefit from!

Now that you have Git set up on your Ubuntu system, give it a try in your next project and see the difference it makes.

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