How to Install and Remove Software in Ubuntu Using APT

Installing and removing software on Ubuntu is super easy, thanks to APT (Advanced Package Tool). Whether you’re new to Linux or already familiar with Ubuntu, APT is your go-to tool for managing software packages. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process step by step.

What is APT?

APT is Ubuntu’s package management system. It helps you install, update, and remove software with just a few simple commands. Think of it like an app store, but instead of clicking buttons, you type commands.

Now are you ready to learn How to use APT on Ubuntu to Install or Remove Applications?

If yes then, In this post you will learn to install and remove application using the APT.

Installing Software Using APT

Step 1: Update Your Package List

Before installing anything, it’s a good idea to update the package list. This ensures that Ubuntu knows about the latest versions of software available.

Open your terminal and type:

sudo apt update
  • sudo: Gives you administrative privileges.
  • apt update: Refreshes the list of available packages.

Step 2: Install the Software

To install a package, use the following command:

sudo apt install package_name

Replace package_name with the name of the software you want to install. For example, to install VLC, the media player, you’d type:

sudo apt install vlc

Tips for Installing Software

  • If you aren’t sure about the exact name of the package, try searching for it first:
  apt search package_name

This will show a list of similar packages, so you can pick the right one.

Removing Software Using APT

Uninstalling software is just as simple as installing it. Here’s how you do it.

Step 1: Remove the Software

To remove a package, use the command:

sudo apt remove package_name

For example, to remove VLC:

sudo apt remove vlc

Step 2: Clean Up Unused Packages

When you uninstall software, some unused dependencies (extra packages) might remain. To clean them up, run:

sudo apt autoremove

This will remove any packages that were installed alongside the software but are no longer needed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Forgetting to update the package list: Always run sudo apt update before installing or removing software.
  • Misspelling the package name: If the package name is wrong, APT won’t find it. Double-check the name or use apt search to be sure.

Common APT Commands

sudo apt updateUpdates the list of available packages
sudo apt install package_nameInstalls a specific software package
sudo apt remove package_nameRemoves a software package
sudo apt autoremoveCleans up unused dependencies

Example Packages to Install

SoftwarePackage NamePurpose
VLCvlcMedia player for videos and music
GIMPgimpImage editor
LibreOfficelibreofficeOffice suite (Word, Excel, etc.)

Advanced APT Commands (Optional)

If you’re feeling more adventurous, here are a few more commands you might find helpful:

  • Upgrade all installed software:
  sudo apt upgrade

This updates all your software to the latest version.

  • Remove configuration files:
    After removing a package, some config files might be left behind. To completely remove them, use:
  sudo apt purge package_name

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s the difference between apt and apt-get?

apt is a newer, user-friendly version of apt-get. Both do the same job, but apt has a simpler syntax.

How do I know if a package is already installed?

You can check by typing:

apt list --installed

This will show a list of all installed packages.

What if I want to install multiple packages at once?

Just list the packages separated by a space:

sudo apt install package1 package2 package3

What does sudo mean?

sudo stands for “Super User DO.” It allows you to run commands with administrative privileges.

Can I remove multiple packages at once?

Yes! Just like installing, list them one after another:

sudo apt remove package1 package2 package3


Managing software in Ubuntu with APT is quick and easy once you get the hang of it. You can install, remove, and update software with just a few commands. Always remember to update your package list first, and don’t forget to clean up unnecessary packages with sudo apt autoremove. Now that you know the basics, you’re ready to take control of your Ubuntu system like a pro.

Actionable takeaway: The next time you need to install or remove software on Ubuntu, open your terminal and try it yourself using APT commands. You’ll find it’s both simple and powerful.

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